Hi all,
I believe that all events we decorate are important and special events to the planner, the guests, and us. There are some events, though, that have that extra special feel for me as the decorator. One of those events happened this past Saturday. We got to decorate the Perfect Paw-ty for a 4-year old.
Why so special? A few reasons. This young lady happened to be the daughter of one of my former students. HOW did that happen that my 6th graders have grown up now to have little ones? She doesn’t have one, but 3 precious little girls, all under 6.
For me, it was so very special to see her again. To see what a delightful dedicated mommy she has grown to be and to see her young self in the spitting image of her daughter. I also got to ask about my client’s mom–one of my most favorite mommy volunteers years ago and one who became an amazing client as I decorated her non-
Look at the joy!
profit race.
Special because she is not able to see her husband for a few months as he is not allowed to come home due to his job’s restrictions with Covid and to see how she is handling having 2 girls and a 4-month-old on her own with grace and gratitude.
Special to see the pure joy on the faces of the little girls as we brought in the pink, black and puppy paw prints. They were giggling, wanted to help and so much fun.
We got to see and hear all about her new puppy, Gucci, and how much she loved him. Such fun! I LOVE what we do and so grateful. Thanks KLM for this experience!
Organic Garland with Puppy Theme